how to create a web page


Take a Screenshot

There are several ways to Take a Screenshot in iLinux OS:

Press keys Win+3 (Take Screenshoot)

Press keys Win+4 (Take Screenshoot Of Active Window)

Press keys Win+5 (Open Screenshoot Application)

Right Click on Desktop > Screenshot (Take Screenshoot)

Right Click on Desktop > Screenshot... (Open Screenshoot Application)

From Application Easy Access > Screenshot

Open Application Flameshot for Live Editing of your Screenshot.

Clicking on Application Take Screenshot Now and Save it to Desktop.

NOTE: Clicking on the Application will save a Screenshot on your Desktop without any Prompt or Dialog.

Activate Screenshot Icon in Control Bar from:

Control Center > Look and Feel > Control Bar > System Icons > Screenshot > On

NOTE: Clicking on the Icon will save a Screenshot on your Desktop without any Prompt or Dialog. You can have the same result if you pin the Application on your Dock.

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